All of us know the Great Commission. The last mandate the Lord Jesus gave his disciples before he ascended up to heaven. Mark 16:15 "Go into all the world and preach the gospel to every creature."
Think for a moment. This was the last time he would be meeting with the apostles on this side of heaven. His last instructions would be important. Every ear in the group was listening intently. In fact, the last commission Jesus gave should be the first and foremost objective of every one who claims to be his follower.
When it comes to the subject of evangelism, many Christians often excuse themselves by announcing boldly that God has not specifically told them they should do it. If he were only to tell them in some way that they were to share their faith, then they would obey. All the while, they have the clear command of Jesus in the New Testament that goes unheeded. If you are waiting for the Lord himself to come down from heaven and give you a divine revelation of his will for your life in regards to evangelism, you will be waiting a looooonng time. He has already done it, and you hold His Word in your hands with clear instructions. How can you ask for direction in an area you are already ignoring and expect to get an answer?
The story is told of a man who desired to go to a certain country and do mission work. He decided to pray about it for a while first, but as he was waiting, he heard the story of another man who had been praying about the same thing. He prayed and prayed and waited and waited, and eventually grew old and died. So, the first man decided to step out in faith and go, and he had a ball of a time serving the Lord.
The point of the story is that there are some things that we don't need further instruction about. If your brother or sister in Christ is in dire need of financial aid, and you have plenty of extra, you don't need to fold your hands and ask, "Lord, what's your will here?" You already have clear instructions in 1Tim6:18 and James1:15. The same goes for evangelism. You can trust, every single time, that when you set out to fulfill the Great Commission, you are 100% completely in the will of God.
The apostle Paul practiced this. We read in Acts 16:6-7, "Now when they had gone throughout Phrygia and the region of Galatia, and were forbidden of the Holy Ghost to preach the word in Asia, after they were come into Mysia, they tried to go into Bithynia, but the Spirit permitted them not." In other words, they were going about carrying out the great Commission, from place to place, and the Holy Spirit gave them direction as they went. You and I make our best laid plans and if the Holy Spirit has other plans, he can shut or open doors to lead us. You don't have to worry about being presumptuous about where or when you share your faith. You obediently go about your Father's business and He will be with you and lead you.
Look out upon the harvest fields. Millions upon millions in our country alone, and billions in the world, are heading to everlasting damnation. They are heaping up damnation that will be revealed on the day of wrath, according to Romans 2, and will stand open and naked before the Judge of the Universe, who will bring every work into judgement, whether it is good, or whether it is evil (Eccl 12:14) and He will punish sin wherever it is found, with no respect of persons. The books will be opened and the dead will be judged according to their works(Rev20). You hold the treasure of forgiveness and eternal life in this earthen vessel. You have been given the ministry of reconciliation (2Cor5).
How long will you hold your tongue? How long will you keep silent?
All around you, your friends, loved ones, and acquaintances are blindly marching towards disaster! You have the command of Jesus and the encouragement of the rest of the New Testament. Sadly, and to our shame, Christians are praying for direction when what they should be praying for is boldness and anointing. What about you? What are you doing for the cause of Christ? Step out in faith and see God work wonders through you. Open your mouth for the kingdom of God and reach a lost and dying world with the gospel of everlasting life. You may not have tomorrow.
If you have about 4 minutes, follow the link below and watch an encouraging video. It's worth your time. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LA_uwWPE6lQ
See you on the streets!!