Saturday, November 29, 2008

Tracts 101

How many times have you been in a situation where you wanted to share Jesus with someone, but you really didn't have the time? Or, how often have you found yourself scared silly in the heat of the moment as you are about to open your mouth for the kingdom of God? You know, those pulse-pounding, dry-mouth, palm-sweatty moments when you wish there was some way you could just give them the gospel and get out of there before you have a coronary. Maybe you are comfortable with the thought of sharing your faith with others, but you just don't know how to bring the subject up.

If you can identify with either of these, there is solution to your dilemma; the gospel tract. No matter what your situation is, there is a tract for you.
(Click here to continue reading Billy's post...)

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Monday, November 24, 2008

Saturday, November 22, 2008


Hello and welcome to! We are here to encourage our brothers and sisters in Christ to step out into the waters of personal witnessing and seek and save the lost, as well as direct you to other ministries where you can find helpful resources to equip you for the work of the Lord.

We have plenty of videos of personal witnessing encounters and open- air preaching for you to check out. Here you can see what it is like to open up a conversation about spiritual things with people and lead them through the gospel in an inoffensive way, while still conveying biblical truths and speaking directly to their consciences and revealing the grace of God in Christ to them. Also you can see that getting up on a box and preaching in public is actually not all that scary to do.

These videos are posted for your encouragement. Feel free to imitate the same style if you would like to. After all, we are on the same team, aren’t we?

Don’t forget to check out Billy’s or Josh’s blogs, and post your comments. We love to hear from you! Also, we may periodically post blogs from friends of the ministry.

Our website is still under construction, and your ideas and feedback are important to us. Please let us know what you think and how we can make this website better.

Thanks for visiting us and God Bless!!

Friday, November 14, 2008

Staying Focused

As we look out on the fields, we should see that they are ripe for the harvest. Everywhere around us, there are men, women, and children who desperately need the gospel. Every person you meet has an eternal soul that will either go to heaven or to hell for all eternity, and that moment you have with them, no matter how small, could have tremendous implications on where they wind up. Sometimes we have a few seconds, sometimes we have a few minutes, and sometimes more, but let us make the most out of every opportunity to reach out to the lost while we can.
(Click here to continue reading Billy's Blog...)

Monday, November 10, 2008

How Much Do We Really Care?

As we plug along through our busy schedule, day after day, do we stop to think about the fact that it’s all only temporary after all? Most of us would say that, “Yes, we do,” but I must confess that all too often I find myself getting too caught up in the here and now. I am speaking specifically about how we deal with the people we see and meet throughout the day, and even those we find ourselves stuck behind in traffic.

Do we go through life focused on me and mine, ignoring, or at least trying to ignore the world around us? Do we stand in frustration as we wait in line at the supermarket, or do we see the line as individuals, and find in the line an opportunity to share a gospel tract with someone.
(Click Here To Continue Reading Billy's Blog...)