When you look at a long, flat road on a hot day, you see water on the roadway, when it is nothing more than an illusion.
These are some of the questions I like to bring up to people who demand that they must physically see God in order to believe he exists. How could they believe it even of they did see it? Maybe it would be a hallucination! Those looking for excuses often will find them, and believe me, anyone who can look at the genius of creation and still profess ignorance concerning God's existence is inventing excuses.
Even if we cannot see the creator himself, we can conclude with absolute certainty by the vast complexity of things created that he must exist. Romans 1 describes in detail how the biggest problem in the mind of the skeptic is not the lack of evidence for God, but the suppression of it, thereby rendering him without excuse on the day of judgement.
Take the example of Stonehenge. No one is foolish enough to think that these massive stones fell together in order by themselves. No one knows who put them there or how they did it, but we all know that an intelligent mind, or minds, put them in order. You would get laughed out of the scientific and historical communities of you suggested that this were a mere cosmic accident. Yet these are the same people who will look you in the eye, with a straight face, and tell you God does not exist and everything else you see, the balanced order of nature and the universe are the result of time and chance!
Psalms 14:1 The fool has said in his heart, there is no God.
We don't have to literally see God to know he exists. The promise of the Bible is that if you will seek him, you will find him. If you will humble yourself before God, repent of your sins and trust the savior, Jesus Christ, then he will manifest himself to you. If you will call on the name of the Lord, you will be saved. God will come and live inside of you, and give you a new heart with new desires. Jesus described it as being born again.
He said the wind blows where it wishes, and you can hear the sound of it but you can't tell where it comes from or where it is going. So is everyone who is born of the Spirit.
You can't physically see the Holy Spirit inside of someone, but you can see the effects. You can't see wind, but you can see its effects. You see the trees moving and the dust blowing around. When a person becomes a Christian you start seeing the effects of what God is doing in his heart. No one, especially the Christian, can deny a changed heart and a changed life.
You and I may not be able to see God face to face, but we experience the effects of his creative hand in everything we see, hear taste, feel, etc.
Don't ever be afraid to defend the existence of God. Look around. He is defending it quite well all on his own.
See you on the streets!!