The purpose of this blog has always been and will continue to be to equip and encourage believers to reach out to the lost and dying world around us with the message of the gospel. Each of us has not only the high calling, but also the responsibility of sharing the good news of salvation in Jesus Christ with those who are perishing.
This week we are going to shift focus for a moment because it is important for us to have self-evaluation time as followers of Christ. If we are going to open our mouths for the kingdom of God, we don't want the world to see us as hypocrites. Remember Jesus' scathing rebuke aimed at the pharisees when he said they were like white-washed tombs - all clean on the outside, but inside they were full of dead men's bones. Our hearts must be right with the Lord if we want to be true and faithful witnesses.
If you are going through a time when you aren't in the Word, or your prayer life has been suffering, or you've been struggling with a certain sin, you will find that during those times you won't exactly be filled with evangelistic zeal. Even if we were to try out of a sense of guilt or duty, you and I will not be effective witnesses if the reality of our walk with the Lord is being constantly challenged by our disobedience or neglect.
The inside of the cup must be clean as well. Of course, we all go through valleys and times of testing. I am not suggesting that we need be perfect in order to be used by God. I am a flake and he uses me, so I know he can use you. I think you understand my point.
So how do we go about examining ourselves? What are some practical ways we can look at our walk and see where we need improvement, or more specifically, repentance? I am going to give a small list of questions that is not original, which is intended for "accountability partners". I have never personally been a huge fan of the concept of accountability partnerships because it seems to reveal a lack of understanding or reverence for God. You won't do certain things because you'll have to answer to your "partner", when all the while God Himself has been right there beside you. How about not doing them because He is watching?
I am, however, a fan of prayer partners. That is, a relationship where you can confide in a trusted friend(s) about areas of struggle and you pray for and with that person(s). Spending time with brothers and sisters in the Lord and challenging each other can reveal a lot to us about our walk with the Lord, so I really like this list. You can do it with another, or just take some quiet time and go through it alone with the Lord.
1. Hi how's your day been?
2. Did you experience any struggles/victories this week?
3. What problem has consumed you this past week?
4. How have you been tempted this past week?
5. Do you feel emotionally drawn or vulnerable to someone other than your spouse?
6. Have you lacked integrity in any of your financial dealings?
7. How's your devotional life?; what can I pray for you about this week?
8. How have your times in the Word and prayer been?
9. Which direction is your personal relationship with Christ going?
10. Have you abused your position of ministry or leadership in any way?
11. Have you given adequate priority time to your spouse? Your kids? Your friendships? How?
12. Have you been diligent in areas of agreed-upon personal discipline, such as diet, exercise, prayer, anger-control, gossiping, morning wake-up time, sleep time,etc.?
13. What progress have you been making toward your life goals?
14. Have you observed anything in my life that I need to hear about?
15. Have you lied to me in any of your answers?
Again, this list is intended for accountability partnerships, but as you can see it can easily be adapted in order for us to reflect on our own life and our relationship with the Lord. Take time to make sure the inside of your cup is clean.
See you on the streets!