Thursday, October 15, 2009

India Mission Trip: Spring 2010

Hello all,
We have decided to postpone the trip to India until Februaury/March of 2010.
Everything was looking good except for one tiny but very important detail. Mitch did not have his Indian visa stamped on his passport. In order to get it, you either have to apply in person or through the mail at the Indian Consulate in San Francisco. The mail would definitely take too long, and applying in person does not neccessarily guarantee approval. Even though they told us that most likely he would get it, it is just too big of a risk to set up events across the globe and pay for airfare and find out his visa was delayed or that he couldn't get into the country.
After much prayerful deliberation, it all came down to this one thing, and it looks like it will just be better to wait and build a bigger team and go in the spring.
Already, we have several solid believers who have committed to joining us on that trip.
We will be holding various fundraisers throughout the winter.
Once I get in touch with our contacts in India, I will get some real dates so we can be prepared well ahead of time. Many of you receiving this e-mail have offered to contribute funds for the mission, and many of you have said you would love to give more if given more time. This will give us all plenty of time to be ready. Thank you very much for your kind and generous support. You're support is absolutely essential for these kinds of things to happen and you can be sure you are building treasures in heaven for your generosity and love.
Also, I have spoken with most of you about becoming a part of the team that actually goes to India. Please prayerfully consider doing so. I would love to have you. If that's you, contact me ASAP so we can begin the process of (1) getting a passport if you don't have one already, (2) getting your Indian visa, (3) getting an estimated cost for travel expenses so you can save and raise money, (4) making sure you get the right immunizations before going into the country. If you leave these things on the back burner and decide within 2 months of the trip, you may experience troubles and in the worst case scenario, not be able to go.
Without naming names, I believe we have 7 people who have given verbal confirmation that they WILL go in the spring. If you have not told me specifically that you are IN, please contact me and I will fill you in on a more detailed itinerary so you can make a decision.
One last thing.. We could all glean from the wisdom of a great man of God. Another reason we delayed the trip, (which I wasn't going to tell you about, but I think it's appropriate), is that Mitch wanted to be SURE that he spent hours and hours preparing to speak to the believers in India. When I told him that they were ready to have a pastor's conference with 200 pastors attending, he told me that he wasn't willing to use some old recycled messages out of his closet to get by with, and that he needed serious time to prepare what the Lord has for them. That is great love and wisdom. It demonstrates to me that he really cares about the people he will be ministering to. May we all follow his example if we intend to come along.
Thanks again for your prayer and support. This is a worthy ministry.