Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Union Gospel Mission, Tri-Cities

The Tri-Cities Union Gospel Mission is a great ministry where men, women, and families in crisis can find a place to stay while they get back on their feet. They provide meals, a place to sleep, showers, etc., but most importantly, they share the truth of the gospel with those who take shelter in this facility as they demonstrate the love of God through service. There are several programs the homeless can enroll in that are designed to help them clean up their lives and prepare them to find jobs, get a college education, receive job training, restoration of relationships, etc. Recently, Byron Brooks, administrator at the mission (pictured at far right), shared with me about an exciting new branch of the ministry that will extend their help to certain individuals who they are currently unable to facilitate. Some of the current programs include: providing life skills training, providing substance abuse support networks, providing financial accountability, discipleship training, providing affordable housing for program graduates, and working with local businesses to secure employment for program graduates.
Not everyone who stays at the mission is required to enroll in programs. The doors of the Mission are open to everyone, and all that is required to catch a meal or a night's sleep is to attend one of the two daily chapel services, which are at 12:30-1:00 p.m. and 7:30-8:30 p.m. Here is a picture of a typical lunch crowd. Usually there are 35-40 for lunch, and about 50-75 for the evening service. A few years back, when I first discovered this awesome ministry, I contacted the leadership at the mission and asked to be put on the schedule. They asked that I come down and answer a few questions first, (to make sure I wasn't a weirdo or a cult member). I met with Mark Heritage, who interviewed me for about 1/2 hour and he called me back within days and put me on a regular monthly speaking schedule. Praise the Lord!
Typically, we begin with a few worship songs, but unfortunately, I am only musically talented with maracas or tambourines, so it is usually sung accapella. Then we launch into the gospel message, and afterwards, we have a time of prayer for specific requests, as well as answering questions and giving Biblical counsel. We offer free Bibles to anyone in need of one as well. Here you can see a gentleman by the name of Laurence who was at the mission for a few days while making his way to Alaska to work on salmon harvests. Laurence got a bed to sleep in, food to eat, and more importantly, the gospel.
Over the years, we have seen a lot of faces come and go, which tells me that the mission is serving its purpose and also that there are many people who are hearing the message of eternal life as they get the help they need to get back on their feet. There are a lot of hurting people who not only need to be saved, but also to receive instruction on how to live life God's way.
Rob is a guy who is searching for answers and wanting to understand the truth of God's word as it applies to his life. He asked for prayer to know God's will and to have a better understanding of His word. It was a blessing to be able to offer him some Biblical counsel and pray for him.
It is a rare occasion that we don't give any Bibles or pray for anyone. There are almost always people who will approach us afterwards with questions or stories of how they got to this place and prayer requests.
Please pray for the Tri-Cities Union Gospel Mission. Pray for the Lord to continue pouring in the resources they need to operate, and for anointing on the staff and leadership, and for the truth of the message of the gospel to penetrate the hearts of those who hear it. And for us, as we continue to serve, that the Lord will give us wisdom to preach the gospel with clarity and simplicity, and to offer good, sound counsel from His word.
Please consider how you might support your local mission, either financially or by giving of your time and efforts to help those in need.